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Donations for EU festival mass book distribution !!!

Hare Krishna my dear great saints and devotees !

please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am Mathura Pati das from Prabhupadanuga Temple ‘International Hare Krishna Movement’ Germany.

We urgently need your help. We already have 10 original Prabhupada books in German language and whenever they are out of stock, we just buy new German books on our own with the money we have collected.

But now we urgently need original english Prabhupada books from KBI and we can buy them in UK from Mukunda Murphey Prabhu, Jitarati Prabhus authorized KBI agent there.

We need especially the Pocket Gita as it is and we need at least 1500 of them and preferably more. Also many many other books and at the end there will be about approx 6000-9000 books or even more. Dependet on your donations.

We want to make an extra effort for Prabhupada this summer. We want to distribute these original Prabhupada books all over Europe at the Goa and Psy-Trance festivals in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Switzerland, Austria etc etc.

We tried this last year and the year before and it was very successful. In Portugal alone at the BOOM Festival we distributed over 800 original Prabhupada books to the hippies and many many fruit smoothie Prasadam in 6 days.

That’s why we want to travel now to many European countries this year and distribute the original Prabhupada books there but it is only possible if you help us with donations to buy them in England from Mukunda Murphey Prabhu .

We need at best over 7000 Euro to pay the books, tax and shipping cost.

This is the best offering and yajna you can make in Kali Yuga, the Sankirtan yajna and anyone who helps us with donations is practically benefiting right along with us. We distribute them and you donate them. One team ! For Srila Prabhupada ! For Caitanya Mahaprabhu ! Sankirtan yajna KIII JAAY!! Let’s do this yajna together and please donate as much as you can because time is running out and the festivals are starting next month until september.

We need to order the books in the next days so that they arrive on time in Germany.

I humbly beg you for help so that we can help the fallen souls out there and at the same time help ourselves spiritually because we can satisfy Prabhupada and Krsna the most in that way.


Srila Prabhupada statements on book distribution:

“(……) I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy my guru, that’s all. My Guru Mahārāja asked me that “If you get some money, you print books.” So there was a private meeting, talking, some of my important Godbrothers also there. It was in Rādhā-kuṇḍa. So Guru Mahārāja was speaking to me that “Since we have got this Baghbazar marble temple, there has been so many dissensions, and everyone is thinking who will occupy this room or that room, that room. I wish, therefore, to sell this temple and the marble and print some book.” Yes. So I took up this from his mouth, that he is very fond of books. And he told me personally that “If you get some money, print books.” Therefore I am stressing on this point: “Where is book? Where is book? Where is book?” So kindly help me. This is my request. Print as many books in as many languages and distribute throughout the whole world. Then Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement will automatically increase. Now the educated, learned scholars, they are appreciating our movement by reading books, by taking practical result. Dr. Stillson Judah, he has written one book, perhaps you know, Kṛṣṇa Con… Hare Krishna and Counterculture, a very nice book about our movement, and he is giving importance. He has admitted that “Swāmījī, you have done wonderful thing because you have turned the drug-addicted hippies into devotees of Kṛṣṇa, and they are prepared for the service of humanity.”

( 750620d – SP Lecture Arrival – Los Angeles)

“Actually it is a fact that ultimately everyone should preach and distribute books if they want to please me in the best way. Book distribution must be given stress always. He has spoken the right thing. If you do this sincerely, it is a fact that Krishna will supply everything else required… I blindly follow my guru maharaj. I do not know what is the result. So I am stressing on this point of book distribution. He told me this personally. Book distribution is bhagavata marga and temple worship is pancaratriki viddhi. Both are important for cultivating Vaisnavism but comparatively speaking bhagavata marga is more important than pancaratriki viddhi. As far as possible both should go on in parallel lines but still bhagavata marga is more important than the other.
So you are all intelligent boys, so you should judge the desire of my guru maharaj and help me in that way.”

(SP Letter to: Sri Govinda:  —  Bombay 6 December, 1974




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IBAN of german Bank Account: send us an E-Mail please or on PN Facebook


Prabhupada: You go on with book distribution. They will be benefited, and distributors also will be benefited. Krsna says, ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati [Bg 18.68]. Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah [Bg. 18.69]. If you want to become quickly recognized by Krsna, then make propaganda, this Krsna consciousness movement. And once recognized by Krsna, then your going back to home, back to Godhead, guaranteed.

(SP Morning Walk — July 5, 1975, Chicago)


“Actually producing and distributing books is our most important engagement, all other engagements culminate in this one end — distribution of books.”

(SP Letter to: Tamala Krsna  —  Bhaktivedanta Manor 27 July, 1973)


“There is no doubt about it, to distribute books is our most important activity. The temple is a place not for eating and sleeping, but as a base from which we send out our soldiers to fight with maya. Fight with maya means to drop thousand and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls. Just like during war time the Bombs are raining from the sky like anything.”

(SP Letter to: Ramesvara  —  Bhaktivedanta Manor 3 August, 1973)


“Our main business is to distribute my books and people will come gradually. Everything should be done for that purpose.”

(SP Letter to: Ramesvara 7 November, 1976)


“I am very glad to hear how the book distribution is increasing more and more. This is our greatest weapon. The more the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age of Kali will be smashed. The world is feeling the weight of this Hare Krishna Movement, especially in your country. We have to increase this book distribution work more and more to firmly establish this Movement, which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.”

(SPLetter to: Balavanta  —  Vrindaban 23 November, 1976)


IBAN of german Bank Account: send us an E-Mail please or on PN Facebook