The GBC (Executive Administrative Commission) of ISKCON

The GBC has no other function except to carry out the instructions favorably given by His Divine Grace and to spread His teachings throughout the world in their pure form.” (GBC Resolution No.1, 1975) [Definition GBC]

“The GBC (Governing Body Commission) was formed by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to represent Him in the practical application of leadership responsibility in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness – of which He is the founder-Ācārya and the highest authority. The members of the GBC accept His divine teachings as their heart and life. They affirm that the GBC is completely and in every way dependent on His grace.”

This GBC resolution was issued by ISKCON itself, specifically to outline and define exactly how ISKCON would be governed. It was directly approved by Śrīla Prabhupāda to that effect. It sets out very precisely what the responsibilities and boundaries are for the GBC.

The GBC (the governing body of ISKCON) is ultimately nothing more than an administrative commission – an administrative body consisting of various devotees – responsible only for the general administration (management) of the movement, with no spiritual authority vested solely in the founder-Ācārya Śrīla Prabhupāda.

The governing body of ISKCON and the members are expected to follow and apply only the standards and practices directly given by Śrīla Prabhupāda. In particular, the introduction of innovations and changes based on speculative ideas is completely contrary to ISKCON’s intentions to preserve and follow the instructions given by Śrīla Prabhupāda.

The GBC’s own definitions of ISKCON leadership are:

1. …The GBC may only implement instructions issued directly by Śrīla Prabhupāda:

“The GBC has no other function or purpose than to carry out the instructions benevolently given by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda – and to preserve and propagate His teachings in their pure form to the world.”

2. …The GBC must only keep intact and apply what Śrīla Prabhupāda has taught:

Since these are the two key aspects of the GBC’s form of leadership and administration, we can see that the GBC has no other function than to follow and preserve the instructions given by Śrīla Prabhupāda.

At the time of his physical presence, Śrīla Prabhupāda conveyed the concept by which ISKCON was to function. He personally established and imparted all the necessary standards, methods, procedures and teachings that were intended to clarify how ISKCON was to function for the rest of its existence. ISKCON was established to function solely under the authority and teachings of Śrīla Prabhupāda. There was no authorization to make any change in the way Śrīla Prabhupāda had established ISKCON. Therefore, there was a correlation between the way the International Society for Krishna Consciousness worked while Śrīla Prabhupāda was physically present, even for the duration of ISKCON’s existence after his passing. Any deviation from this principle would have required the explicit authorization of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

This principle is understood and accepted as unalterable by the members of ISKCON. Examples of systems and standards established by Śrīla Prabhupāda for ISKCON are: Administration by the GBC, BBT as the book publisher, 16 rounds and regulative principles, the morning program, Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books as the “law books” etc. etc. Since these things were established by Śrīla Prabhupāda especially for ISKCON, it is recognized by everyone that these things are meant to last for the entire lifetime of ISKCON. No ISKCON devotee would ever dare to suggest any changes to these standards given by Śrīla Prabhupāda. Since every aspect of how ISKCON should function was pointed out by Śrīla Prabhupāda, the administration of the society should be completely straightforward.

The authority of the GBC to decide on the administrative aspect of ISKCON as long as it exists is further specified in Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Last Will and Testament:

1. the Governing Body Commission (GBC) will be the ultimate governing authority of the entire International Society for Krishna Consciousness. (Opening statement, Śrīla Prabhupā’s will)

There are two false interpretations of the phrase “ultimate governing authority”. One interpretation grants the GBC far more power than it was ever intended to have, assuming the phrase means the GBC is fully empowered to do anything it wants. Such an interpretation seems to have been seduced by the word “ultimate”. This interpretation confuses the fact that the GBC is the ultimate governing authority for ISKCON, as stated in the will, with how the GBC is to administer what is not stated in the will. The manner of administration expected of the GBC is set forth in the definitional articles (previously mentioned) that were personally recognized by Śrīla Prabhupāda. This recognized definition of GBC makes it clear that all administration must be conducted solely within the parameters that Śrīla Prabhupāda has given as instructions for GBC.

The second interpretation of the phrase “ultimate administrative authority” is that the GBC’s domain refers specifically to areas of administration – because of the term “administrative authority”. This narrowing interpretation is also incorrect, as it confuses the term “administrative authority”, which specifies the GBC’s full empowerment for the function of administration, with what it can administer. In essence, these GBC speculators substitute the term “administrative authority” with “authority for administrative functions”.

The will does not give a detailed list of all the things that the GBC must administer. Nor how it must administer them. This information was already given and had been introduced by GBC resolutions (like those before), along with all the other relevant instructions and teachings of Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Since Śrīla Prabhupāda gave instructions and teachings on spiritual and administrative matters, the GBC wrongly inferred that he was the “ultimate administrative authority” of all aspects, both administrative and spiritual.

That this is not the case was clearly stated in the above definition. Thus Śrīla Prabhupāda established a perfect balance. The “ultimate” authority of the GBC is limited by the fact that it may use its authority for only one purpose, namely to follow and preserve the instructions and teachings given by Śrīla Prabhupāda. This “ultimate” authority can only be used to absolutely preserve or follow Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions and teachings. Since there is no power to change, but only the power to preserve, the GBC is restrained in the misuse of power, for as soon as power is used inappropriately, it acts outside the boundaries set for it by Śrīla Prabhupāda, automatically disqualifying itself.

The GBC…

a) may not change anything that has already been enacted by Śrīla Prabhupāda and
b) may not introduce anything else that has not already been introduced by Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Points (a) and (b) form the basis for what the GBC is allowed to “administer”, namely only what was given by Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Further evidence from the will of Śrīla Prabhupāda

2. each temple will remain in the possession of ISKCON and will be managed by three senior devotees (temple president, secretary and treasurer) The system of management will continue as it is, and there is no need for change. (Śrīla Prabhupā’s will)

Just as ISKCON was administered before Śrīla Prabhupā’s passing away, according to the will it was meant to continue for the duration of ISKCON’s existence. This could hardly have been made any clearer: “The system of management will continue as it is, and there is no need for change.” We see here how Śrīla Prabhupāda directly formulates his instruction. The GBC is not authorized to change, deviate or discontinue devotional practices or administrative systems personally established by His Divine Grace Śrīla Prabhupāda.

Śrīla Prabhupāda on the task (function) of the GBC

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “This is the function of the GBC – to ensure that no one is carried away by māyā. All GBC members should be instructing gurus. I am the initiating guru, and you should be instructing gurus; by teaching what I teach – and doing what I do [and following my example closely in action and behavior. [Translator’s note]. This is not about titles, but you must actually get to that level. That is my wish.” (to Madhudvisa; August 4, 1975)

“The GBC (Governing Body Commission) was formed by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda to represent him in the practical application of the leadership responsibility in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness – of which he is the founder-Ācārya and the highest authority.

The members of the GBC accept His divine teachings as their heart and life. They affirm that the GBC is completely and in every way dependent on His grace. The GBC has no function except to carry out the instructions favorably given by His Divine Grace and to spread His teachings throughout the world in their pure form.” (GBC Resolution No.1, 1975)

Śrīla Prabhupāda warns against deviations of the GBC

As soon as Śrīla Prabhupāda left this world, however, the GBC went beyond their duties and powers (the above-mentioned GBC resolution). They belittled Śrīla Prabhupāda’s exalted position as guru and wanted to become guru themselves in an imitative manner. It is a fact that Śrīla Prabhupāda had foresightedly warned against these deviant tendencies – quote:

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “What will happen when I am no longer here – will everything be ruined by the GBC? So the GBC is hereby relieved of its duties until further notice – until I have thoroughly examined and revised the entire procedure.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, April 11, 1972)

The GBC dictatorship is condemned

“The members of the GBC are only there to make sure that things run. Other centers have their president, secretary, etc. – and are run individually. That is the model. So how can it be that the GBC is a final authority? It is simply up to them to check that everything is working well, that’s all.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, July 9, 1971)

“GBC does not mean directing a center. GBC means making sure that the centers are running smoothly. I don’t know why Tamal wants to exercise ‘his absolute authority’. That is not the job of the GBC. The president, treasurer and secretary are responsible for running the center. The GBC has to make sure everything runs well – not apply absolute authority. Tamal should not behave in this way. The GBC men have no authority to impose anything on the members of a center without first consulting with all GBC members. A member of the GBC must not exceed his authority.” (Letter to Girirāj, August 12, 1971)

“The men of the GBC should not decide so much, rather they should simply supervise and ensure that the level is maintained.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, February 14, 1972)

The actual function of the GBC

“The GBC members should all be instructing (instructing) gurus. I am the initiating guru, and you should be instructing gurus; by teaching what I teach – and doing what I do [and closely following my example in action and behavior. [Translator’s note]. This is not about titles, but you must actually get to that level. That is my wish.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, August 4, 1975)

The GBC’s urge to assert itself leads to the fall

“It is now obvious that some of our people at the top are very overzealous and many of them have fallen down.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, January 27, 1975)

“The dilemma is that our GBC men are falling prey to māyā. Today I put my faith in this GBC [member], and tomorrow he will fall down. Therein lies the difficulty. If the GBC members are so flighty, what about the others. Without a solution to this problem, all our resolutions will be of little use.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, December 16, 1974)

The GBC’s guru program is condemned

“Our mission is to serve bhakta-viseśa and live among devotees. Not to take the position of the guru. That is nonsense, very dangerous. It spoils everything. As soon as you are eager to take the guru’s place – gurusu nara-matiḥ. That is the material disease.” (Conversation with Śrīla Prabhupāda, April 20, 1977)

Has the GBC now become something greater than Guru Mahārāja? As if the GBC is only meant to look after pounds, shillings and pennies. The GBC doesn’t care about spiritual life. That is the defect.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, November 10, 1975)

The GBC expects a harsh punishment

“That’s why we created the GBC. So that they will be very responsible men. Otherwise they will be punished severely. They will be condemned to be śūdra. Although Yamarāja is a GBC, he committed a small mistake. He was punished to be born as a śūdra. Therefore, whoever is a member of the GBC should be very, very careful in performing his duties in ISKCON. Otherwise punishment awaits him. Since it is a very high position, the punishment will be correspondingly high.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, June 4, 1974)

The destruction of ISKCON-GBC was predicted

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “What will happen when I am no longer here – will everything be ruined by the GBC? So the GBC is hereby relieved of its duties for the time being – until I have thoroughly examined and revised the entire procedure.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, April 11, 1972)

“I have formed the GBC for my relief – but if you act in this way, what is the relief? It causes me worry. This is the dilemma – as soon as someone gets some power, he acts capriciously and spoils everything.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, September 12, 1974)

“I am in the process of instructing some of my experienced disciples to manage [to lead the movement — translator’s note] after my passing away.

So if, instead of accepting my guidance, you people say ‘I am the master of everything I oversee’, that is a dangerous conspiracy.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, October 8, 1974)

Śrīla Prabhupāda’s instructions to the GBC

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “I can practically see that as soon as they – our disciples – start learning some Sanskrit, they immediately think that they have now become more than their guru. Then they plan to kill the guru in order to become a guru themselves.”

“As soon as he hears (thinks he knows?) that Guru Mahārāja is dead, now I am so advanced – I can kill the guru and become guru. Then he is finished.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda, 1976)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “I am the spiritual master of this institution, and I consider all the members of the society to be my disciples. They follow the rules and regulations as I have asked them to, and they have been spiritually initiated by me.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda in a radio interview on March 12, 1968 in San Francisco)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “It is my wish that each center and all centers maintain their separate identity while cooperating with the Ācārya at the center. On the basis of this principle, we can open any number of branches around the world. The Rama Krishna Mission operates according to this principle and has thus – seen as an organization – achieved wonderful things.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda, September 11, 1967)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “Do not be allured by cheap disciples. Continue to do your service steadfastly. If you want to be guru immediately, all activities of service come to a standstill; and because there are so many cheap gurus and insubstantial disciples without any authoritative knowledge, new sampradāyas are fabricated, the practice of service comes to a standstill – and all spiritual progress is stifled.” [SPL (VI 1987) 68.8.17]

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “We need not fabricate anything. Fabricating ideas is troublesome. Why should we take this trouble? And as soon as you want to fabricate…, that is dangerous. …That you chant every day, ‘what our guru said is my heart and my life.’ …As soon as this poison appears – cut out the guru and I become Brahman – that destroys everything. Spiritual life is finished. Gauḍiya Mātha perished, …violated the instructions of Guru Mahārāja.

…As soon as you fabricate you fall down. This idea of fabrication is very, very dangerous in spiritual life. …Our mission is to serve bhakta-viseśa and live among devotees. Not to take the position of the guru. That is nonsense, very dangerous. It spoils everything. As soon as you are eager to take the guru’s place – gurusu nara-matiḥ. That is the material disease.” (Conversation with Śrīla Prabhupāda, April 20, 1977)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “He [Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta Saraswatī Goswami Mahārāja] had never appointed anyone as the [next] Ācārya for the Gauḍiya Mātha. … If Guru Mahārāja had seen someone who was qualified to be an Ācārya at that time, he would have mentioned it – because that night before he left this world, he had discussed many things, but he never mentioned an Ācārya. Therefore we should not make the same mistake in our ISKCON camp.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda to Rupanuga das, April 28, 1974)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “As far as personal association with the guru is concerned, I have been with Guru Mahārāja only four or five times – but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. As I follow his instructions, I have never felt any separation. Here in India, there are some of my godbrothers who have been in constant personal communion with Guru Mahārāja – but ignore his instructions.”

“However, if you – as my main assistants – do things without consulting me, make such big, big changes within our society, and without seeking my opinion and the opinion of all GBC members – what can I do? I am at a loss and don’t understand how you could act like this. Originally, I appointed twelve GBC members and assigned them twelve zones to lead and manage, but you changed everything through an agreement. So, what this represents – I don’t know.” (Letter from Śrīla Prabhupāda to Rupanuga das, April 4, 1972)

“Your material legal formula will not help us. Only our spiritual life can help us. Hamsaduta must return to Germany immediately and then not leave again. Atreya Rishi has not been given any authority by me to run anything. Dismiss him again. I have not given my consent to any of these plans. Nothing must be changed.” (Memorandum to all ISKCON temple presidents, April 6, 1972) [Confirmed telegram; 26 Renny Street, Paddington Sydney. Bhaktivedanta Swami]

“Under the circumstances, I authorize you to ignore any decision of the GBC men for the time being – until you receive further instructions from me. Carry out your activities peacefully and independently, and endeavor to take more care in strengthening the spiritual atmosphere. I will be pleased to know the names of your assistants such as secretaries, treasurers and accountants. Finally, I would like to reiterate that all GBC orders are suspended until further notice.” (Memorandum to all ISKCON Temple Presidents; Sydney, April 8, 1972)

“The meeting you all held in New York causes me the greatest concern at this time – in your meeting you passed so many resolutions and elected Atreya Rishi as Secretary of the GBC, and made numerous other changes. I am perplexed by this happening. Therefore, I have not given my consent – and in the meantime you must have received my letter suspending the GBC indefinitely.

From now on, the temples will act independently and endeavor to strengthen spiritual life with greater care. Therefore, there is no longer any need for such financial arrangements of centralization as you had proposed.

As for your proclamation – “Our greatest success will be when you can actually translate the books undisturbed and leave the successful management to us” – yes, that is my wish – but the question of whether or not you are able to do so still causes me great concern. I have given you everything now, but I fail to realize that even the basic principles for progress in spiritual life are present at all times. There is also a tendency to neglect the real purpose of life, which is to become mad after Kṛṣṇa. Instead, we are carried away by big words and big talk. So I am still thinking about how things should go on.” (Letter to Satsvarupa, April 10, 1972; Dallas)

The GBC meeting seems to have gone very much against the constitution because not all members were informed and invited. Syamasundara was not invited, Sudama was not invited, Krishna Das was not invited, Tamala Krishna was not invited – nor was I informed. Why?”

What will happen when I am no longer here, will everything be ruined by the GBC? Therefore, the GBC is suspended from its functions for the time being until I have thoroughly thought through the course of action. In the meantime, you should fulfill your duties as temple president of Hamburg and try to become spiritually stronger. In particular, our spiritual practice should adhere to the following points:

(1) Neatness and cleanliness of the body of all devotees. (Still I see that those who are initiated as Brahmins do not even wash their hands after meals; of course there may be so many blemishes due to your birth in non-Brahmin families – but how long will this go on? This is something easy);
(2) the daily chanting of 16 rounds. (I don’t think everyone follows these principles);
(3) The worship ceremonies in the temple, which should be performed strictly between 4am and 10am. (I still see devotees sleeping until 6 or 7 am).

In the GBC meeting points, I find no such program to reform our bad habits from the past (due to origin?). I therefore request you, as President of Hamburg, to endeavor to follow all the regulative principles yourself and ensure that all members follow them as well.

Recently I received a complaint from a sannyasi about another sannyasi not chanting regularly. Our position is that we strictly follow the rules and regulations. Money matters are secondary. In principle, it is better to starve than to neglect the rules and regulations. We strive to present an ideal society to the world – and although we strictly follow these principles, we are liberal towards everyone. For this reason, we are recognized and appreciated everywhere. Be that as it may, I am in no way dissatisfied with you, but it is my duty to point out the transgressions. You are responsible for the organization in Germany. Do your job well – not so much on the material side, but rather on the spiritual side. Role model and example are better than moral directives. Each one of you must be the perfect example – then all will follow.” (Letter to Hamsadutta, April 11, 1972; Dallas)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “There is nothing new to say. Everything I have to say, I have said in my books. Now try to understand and continue your endeavors. Whether I am here or not is not important. I will remain your personal guide – physically present or not physically present – because I get my personal guidance from my Guru Mahārāja.” (Śrīla Prabhupāda to Tamal Krishna, July 14, 1977)

“I expect to be back in Los Angeles in the last week of November and I am more than happy to meet you there. Always endeavor to think of me on the basis of my teachings; that way we will always be together. Just as I wrote in the first editions of the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam – ‘the spiritual master lives forever through his teachings, and the disciple lives with him’, because I have always served my Guru Mahārāja and followed his teachings – even today I am never separated from Him. Māyā may sometimes come and try to disturb us, but we must not waver. We must follow the path laid out for us by the great Ācāryas and in the end you will see it. (Letter to Cidananda, November 25, 1973)

All orders of the GBC are suspended until further notice

In 1972, Śrīla Prabhupāda wrote the following letter to all ISKCON temples in response to an attempt by the GBC, which was off course at the time, to create a [centralized] ISKCON umbrella society. Śrīla Prabhupāda stated that ‘under these circumstances’ we should completely refuse to accept the authority of the GBC – the very circumstances that have reappeared today:

“Under the circumstances, I authorize you to ignore any decision of the GBC men for the time being – until you receive further instructions from me. …/… Finally, I would like to reiterate that all GBC orders are suspended until further notice.” (Memorandum to all ISKCON Temple Presidents; Sydney, April 8, 1972)


Under the present circumstances – in view of the direct violation of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s directive in this matter – all decisions of the GBC must also be ignored now and today. Exactly the same circumstances have come to light again today. Consequently, Śrīla Prabhupādas’s permanent directive automatically comes into effect. Anyone who sincerely wants to follow Śrīla Prabhupāda should stand up against the GBC and put into practice his direct order to that effect: “In conclusion, it is reiterated that all orders of the GBC are suspended.”

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