About the International Society for Krishna Consciousness ISKCON

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), better known as the Hare Krishna movement

Iskcon Killer Gurus

Who or what is ISKCON, and what are its principles?

IskCon History and Foundation:

The International Society for Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, Inc. (ISKCON) was founded in July 1966 by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda in New York.

ISKCON, also known as the Hare Krishna movement, is a spiritual community of devotees that belongs to the millennia-old Vaishnava culture and has its origins in the Vedic scriptures of India. Culturally, ISKCON belongs to the Brahma-Madhva-Gauḍīya school, which teaches bhakti (devotion) to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Śrī Kṛṣṇa.

Unfortunately, shortly after his passing away, Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Hare Krishna movement was hijacked by a great sinister movement the great sinister movement that already infiltrated ISKCON society from within for the purpose of destruction.


Srila Prabhupada is very precise in his use of words, and he says the word “movement”, which does not include just one or two individuals. In fact, it is not just one movement, but THE GREAT DARK MOVEMENT. Srila Prabhupada says here that there is another even great sinister movement within our movement. That means there is another satanic Iskcon within the original Iskcon. So Srila Prabhupada is clearly distinguishing between two types of iskcon (another movement within our movement). So actually we have two Iskcons, but the other Iskcon is the great sinister movement, as Srila Prabhupada said. And He says again: “THAT IS A FACT.

Here some importand Videos to show how the great sinister movement infiltrated ISKCON from within:

The Poisonous Effekt of the Great Sinister Movement

IskCon poisoned by a Great Sinister Movement:

Srila Prabhupada, in his letter to Hansadutta, speaks about the poisonous effect of a great sinister movement that has infiltrated ISKCON from within:

“Regarding the poisonous effect in our Society, it is a fact and I know where from this poison tree has sprung up and how it affected practically the whole Society in a very dangerous form… I have tried to give you all Kṛṣṇa Consciousness, now it is your duty to develop it. If you remain strong on the spiritual platform then your progress will not be checked or blocked…It is a fact however that the great sinister movement is within our Society… SO ALL OF YOU MAY TRY TO SAVE THE SOCIETY FROM THIS DANGEROUS POSITION.”!!! (Śrīla Prabhupāda Letter to: Hamsaduta 2 Sept, 1970).

For these reasons, we do not accept the self-appointed, or GBC appointed bogus false gurus of today’s ISKCON, but rather distance ourselves from today’s ISKCON because it is simply no longer Prabhupād’s true ISKCON as he wanted it to be.

The devotees of IHKM-international Hare Krishna Movement follow the true and bona fide instructions of the bona fide spiritual Master Śrīla Prabhupāda and accept him as the only bona fide initiating guru in ISKCON, as he personally wanted. Śrīla Prabhupāda said:

“I am the Spiritual Master of this institution, and ALL the members of the Society, they’re supposed to be MY disciples. They follow the rules and regulations which I ask them to follow, and they are INITIATED BY ME spiritually” – (Śrīla Prabhupāda Radio Interview, 12 March 1968, San Francisco)

Since Srila Prabhupada has pointed out to us that there is a great sinister movement within our ISKCON society, we must also accept the fact that there are great sinister “devotees” (kali-chelas) operating within our society.

The Great Sinister Disciple:

Srila Prabhupada: “There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaishnavas in this Krishna Consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. A false acarya may try to override a vaishnava by a high-court decision, (2/3 hand vote) but Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that he is nothing but a disciple of Kali-yuga.”

“Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, Kali-cela. He indicates that there are other Vaishnavas, pseudo-Vaishnavas, with tilaka on their nose and kunti beads around their neck. Such a pseudo-Vaishnava associates with money and women and is jealous of successful Vaishnavas. Although passing for a Vaishnava, his only business is earning money in the dress of a Vaishnava”. (CC.Madhy.,Ch.1, Text 218 / 220, purport)

Bogus Iskcon Gurus

Simultaneous guru-puja worship of conditioned souls on the same level as Śrīla Prabhupāda, the very greatest offense in history.

Bogus Iskcon Gurus2The 11 IskCon Cheater Gurus – self-appointed conditioned souls

The eleven self-appointed cheater Gurus from Left to Right:

1. Harikesa Swami (mad, thief & con artist, defending apasiddhanta, womanizer & devotee abuser )
2. Jayatirtha dasa Adhikari (dead, drug user and abuser, engaged in illict sex while a sannyasi and taking LSD)
3. Hansadutta Swami (dead, drunkard, gunman )
4. Hridayananda Gosvami (womanizer who does not chant 16 rounds, homosex-acarya introducing homo sex)
5. Ramesvara Swami (loved girls and helped kill Sulocana Prabhu )
6. Bhagavan dasa Adhikari ( abused devotees, money & power hungry, went to jail for selling drugs)
7. Kirtanananda Swami (dead, jailed murder-guru, pedophile & homosexual, killed devotees, having homo-sex with children)
8. Tamala Krsna Gosvami (dead, power and money hungry, control-freak, cheater-guru)
9. Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami (total mad man, engaged in sex with godbrothers wife, wrote sex literature )
10. Bhavananda Gosvami (homo-sex and pedophile, sex with taxi-driver, sexual abuse of gurukul children)
11. Jayapataka Swami (half-dead like a dried up vegetable, very militant, mad men, does not chant 16 rounds, preaches perverted philosophies)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “And as soon as he learns that Guru Maharaja is dead [or dying], ‘Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become guru.’” – “The poison is personal ambition”

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “They wanted to create artificially somebody acharya and everything failed. They did not even consider with common sense—that ‘If Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acharya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed? The real point?’

And they insisted upon it. They declared some unfit person to become acharya. Then another man came. And then another—‘Acharya!’ Another—‘Acharya!’ So better to remain a foolish [simple] person perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection. And as soon as he learns that Guru Maharaja is dead [or dying], ‘Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become guru.’ Then he’s finished.” (Srila Prabhupada conversation, 16 Aug 1976)

Here is an example of how the same infiltrations have taken place in the Catholic Church:

New Vrindavan Simultanious Guru Puja

conditioned souls usurping the seat of acarya
demanding equal worship as good as Srila Prabhupada
homosex- and child molester-gurus as good as god

“However, one should not imitate the behavior of an advanced devotee or maha-bhagavata without being self-realized, for by such imitation one will eventually become degraded.” (Nectar of Instruction, Verse Five, Purport)

“As soon as a foolish disciple tries to overtake his spiritual master and becomes ambitious to occupy his post, he immediately falls down.” (SB. 5.12.14, Purport.)

Śrīla Prabhupāda: “Not that you take the place of the guru. That is nonsense, very dangerous. Then everything will be spoiled. As soon as you become ambitious to take the place of guru—gurusu nara-matih. That is the material disease.” (Srila Prabhupada Conversation, April 20th, 1977)”

“However, one should not imitate the behavior of an advanced devotee or maha-bhagavata without being self-realized, for by such imitation one will eventually become degraded.” (Nectar of Instruction, Verse Five, Purport)

As soon as a foolish disciple tries to overtake his spiritual master and becomes ambitious to occupy his post, he immediately falls down.” (SB. 5.12.14, Purport.)

Prabhupada: So-called gurus, they are so-called gurus. They are not gurus. That is already explained. If one does not speak what Krsna speaks, he is not guru. If you accept so-called guru, that is your misfortune. What can be done?

Pusta Krsna: Some of them will say some things that Krsna says, but they’ll take from other places also. What is the position of such persons?

Prabhupada: He’s MOST DANGEROUS. He’s MOST DANGEROUS. He is OPPORTUNIST. HE’S FINDING OUT CUSTOMER, SOMETHING HERE… ACCORDING TO THE CUSTOMER HE IS GIVING SOMETHING, AS THE CUSTOMERS WILL BE PLEASED. SO HE IS NOT GURU. He’s a servant. He wants to serve the so-called disciples so that he may be satisfied and pay him something. He’s servant. He’s not guru. Guru is the master. You cannot disobey guru. But if you become a servant, you want to please the disciple by flattering him to get his money, then you are not guru, you are servant. Just like a servant pleases the master. He’s not guru. He’s servant. So our position should be servant, yes, but servant of the Supreme. So guru means heavy. You cannot utilize him for satisfying your whims. That is not guru. (760628bj.nv)

“There are many jealous people in the dress of Vaisnavas in this Krsna consciousness movement, and they should be completely neglected. There is no need to serve a jealous person who is in the dress of a Vaisnava.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 1.218 purport)

“A jealous person in the dress of a Vaisnava is not at all happy to see the success of another Vaisnava in receiving the Lord’s mercy. Unfortunately, in this Age of Kali there are many mundane persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila BhaktivinodaThakura has described them as disciples of Kali. He says, kali-cela. He indicates that there is another Vaisnava, a pseudo Vaisnava with tilaka on his nose and kanthi beads around his neck. Such a pseudo Vaisnava associates with money and women and is jealous of successful Vaisnavas. Although passing for a Vaisnava, his only business is earning money in the dress of a Vaisnava.” (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila, 1.218 purport)

“These rogues are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state. They cannot, however, escape the law of the Supreme, who has clearly declared in Bhagavad gita (16.19-20) that envious demons in the garb of religious propagandists shall be thrown into the darkest regions of hell. Sri Isopanisad confirms that these pseudo religionists are heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense gratification.”
(Sri Isopanisad, mantra 12, purport)