• Krishna Eating Prasad Old Style

We invite you to our sunday festival celebration!

You are cordially invited to a joint kirtan (mantra singing), a philosophical-spiritual lecture from the Vedic “Book of Wisdom”, Bhagavad-gita and to a vegetarian-vegan festive banquet (prasadam)!

“Vedic culture also goes through the stomach, which means: delicious vegetarian-vegan feasts with at least a 5 course Meal,  as part of our weekly program.”

Every Sunday -except once a month on Saturdays- , our famous Sunday festival or Saturday festival takes place in our German Hare Krishna Temple, in 63533 Mainhausen, Friedhofstrasse 3.

It always starts in the afternoon, at around 4 p.m. with Vedic-Indian-Mantra singing (Kirtan) until around 7 p.m. and then from around 7 p.m. there is a philosophical-spiritual lecture from the original “Book of Wisdom”, Bhagavad-Gita as it is, the main work of the advanced Vedic civilization. Afterwards we had a very tasty Vedic-Indian vegetarian-vegan meal (prasadam).

The Bhakti Sunday Festival of Love

Every Sunday those interested in spirituality meet to sing, dance and philosophize; and come together for a feast at the Hare Krishna Centers  around the world. This resulted in the Bhakti Sunday festival of love.

Bhakti Yoga is one of the most important spiritual paths in yoga, which is about love and devotion as a way to self-realization. This love is directed towards God, Krishna, and aims at the experience of full transcendental bliss and deep spiritual love (prema) to Sri Krishna, the highest Personallity of Godhead.

Srila Prabhupada Cooking1The Sunday “love festivals” date back to the beginning of Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON period, which began in the mid-1960s. He instituted this weekly love-feast as part of his general preaching program.

Srila Prabhupada, the founder and acarya of the Hare Krishna movement, began the “Sunday Love Festival” in 1966. He personally invited guests and cooked all the meals. He served a variety of tasty Indian vegetarian preparations to the devotees. In addition to the vegetarian feast, Srila Prabhupada sang the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra with the guests, danced and gave a lecture on the Bhagavad-gita.

Srila Prabhupada Cooking2Since then, this weekly “Sunday love festival” has been celebrated in all Hare Krishna temples around the world. It has evolved into a bhakti festival of love, centered around Lord Krishna: chanting Hare Krishna, hearing spiritual knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, dancing, eating prasadam, fellowship and generally sharing the bliss of God’s presence. Anyone can come, regardless of their faith, because we welcome everyone to an experience of love to God.

The Bhakti Sunday Festival of Love is a celebration that brings communities together. Families, neighbors and friends gather to offer prayers, sing songs and enjoy the festive food known as “prasadam”.

Spiritual Meaning:

The Sunday festival has a deep spiritual significance and reminds devotees to integrate the teachings and wisdom of Lord Krishna in their lives. The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred scripture in which Krishna imparts his teachings, is often studied and discussed during this festival. It is an expression of love and devotion of devotees towards Lord Krishna. It brings together people from different regions and backgrounds in a shared spiritual celebration that highlights the importance of love, devotion and the victory of good over evil.

We would like to cordially invite you to our weekly Sunday “love festival”. Every Sunday, spiritual seekers gather for a culturally rich and vibrant experience of traditional spiritual culture that gives a taste of Bhakti Yoga – the yoga of love and devotion!

Every living being is an immortal spiritual soul, a tiny part and parcel of God, which is the origin of all creation and the origin of all living beings. Therefore, one who has realized this, will naturally desire to render service to this Supreme Lord with love and devotion. This is the process of bhakti yoga. The term “yoga” literally means “connection,” and “bhakti” means “love” and also “devotional service.” Thus, the process of bhakti yoga is to “connect with the Supreme through loving, devotional service.”

Srila Prabhupada used to say: “Chant Hare Krishna, Eat Prasadam, and just Be Happy”!


Discover the enchanting flavors of Indian cuisine by embarking on a culinary journey with this exceptional 5-course vegetarian Indian dinner. From tantalizing appetizers to indulgent desserts, each dish is carefully prepared to showcase the vibrant spices, aromatic herbs, and rich flavors that define Indian cooking.

Visiting times:
Every Sunday there is the Bhakti Love Festival from 4 p.m. to around 9 p.m.
Every morning from 4:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Mangal-arati, Guru Puja, lecture and meal (prasadam)
Every evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Gaura-arati, lecture and prasadam)

If you are interested in taking part in a Sunday or Saturday Krishna-Festival-Program – please just give us a quick call. You can actually visit us every day – just call us and make an appointment:

International Hare Krishna Movement,
Prabhupada Bhakti-Yoga Zentrum in Mainhausen-Mainflingen, Friedhofstr. 3

Mathura Pati Das
Mobile: +49 176 2811 2250
Whats App   +49 176 2811 2250